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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Encanto-Palmcroft Security Corporation FAQ's
Everything you wanted to know. . . and more

Q. What is the Encanto-Palmcroft Security Corporation?
A. Formed in 1998, EPSC is an Arizona non-profit corporation organized by a small, independent group of Encanto-Palmcroft homeowners in order to find alternative means to deter criminal activity. This is accomplished by hiring an outside, independent security company to patrol the neighborhood.  The board is composed of 10 volunteers; Ennis Dale is President, Melissa Kuhlman is Secretary and Anne Durning is Treasurer.   The EPSC is not the same as the EPHPA (Encanto Palmcroft Historic Preservation Association).  Some Board Members may serve both organizations, but neither organization reports to the other.  Our volunteer board is always open to new, committed, informed board members. Share your time, talent and expertise.

Q. How do I become a member?
A. We encourage all our neighbors in our beautiful community to become members. Please join today if you can. We collect membership dues twice a year, but you can join at any time.

Q. What are the benefits?
A. The presence of a security patrol provides a substantial deterrent to criminal and inappropriate activity.  Membership in EPSC will be evidenced by a yard sign as an additional deterrent.  In addition, as a member, when you plan to be out of town for a few days or even an extended period, our security company will pay special attention to your residence based on your instructions.  Also, you have the ability to be on our opt-in phone number list which provides the officer with the ability to contact you if/when he sees something odd at your property.

Q. What is the policy on using the yard signs in my front yard?
A. Please see the linked policy document.

Q. Why would I want to be part of the opt-in phone number list?
A.  It happens to all of us....your sprinkler is shooting straight up into the air, or you accidentally left your garage door open, or a big package has been left on your front stoop visible from the street.  You would want to be notified - whether you're in town or out of town.  By opting into our "security phone number database", you can be contacted by a security officer who notices something just a little bit odd in or near your property.  If it's at night, then the officer will decide whether it's serious enough to call at a late hour.  For your privacy, your name will not be included - only your address and phone number.

Q. What Security Company do we use?
A. We use a local company called Vet-Sec Protection Agency. They are staffed with licensed, bonded, well selected and trained security guards. Their activities are recorded daily through a real time GPS tracking system along with daily written reports from each shift. These in turn are provided to us for review and analysis.

Q. Are they armed?
A. All patrol vehicles are driven by professionally dressed, uniformed, unarmed guards.

Q. How often do they patrol?
A. Patrol hours were recently increased to random patrols 12 hours a day, 7 days a week.  With increased financial support, by adding additional members, we would like to see this increased at some point to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  The number of patrol hours that our Officers work each month are based on the amount of donations that are received from our neighbors.  Nearly one hundred percent of all contributions to your EPSC are used to fund our daily security patrols. 

Q. Where do they patrol?
A. They patrol ALL the streets and alleys in Encanto-Palmcroft in the area bounded by Encanto Boulevard on the north, 7th Avenue on the east, 15th Avenue on the west and McDowell Road on the south.  They utilize a marked vehicle with orange lights for identification.

Q. Should I call the security company or the police if I see something suspicious?
A. Another of the benefits of being a member of the EPSC is that you have a phone number you can call to report a concern to VetSec.  Please understand that VetSec will only respond if they are already currently patrolling the neighborhood and if the concern is not one characterized as an emergency deserving of either a 911 call or Crime Stop (602-262-6151) call.  Also, understand that VetSec often handles situations by calling either 911 or Crime Stop themselves, so calling VetSec may reduce the response time you may desire.  If/when you call the VetSec number, you will be required to leave a message for dispatch regarding your concern, and they will evaluate how it will be handled.  Since VetSec is currently only being paid for covering about 1/3 to 1/2 of each day, it may be a few hours before they will respond.  You can also email EPSC ([email protected]), but please be aware that EPSC only responds to emails within 48 hours.  After Phoenix Police has been notified, please call, text or email your EPSC with details of the crime.  An aware neighborhood is a safer neighborhood.

Q. How much are the annual membership dues and how can they be paid?
A. Annual dues are $360.00 per household. The full amount can be paid in January or broken into 2 payments - $180.00 in January and $180.00 in July, or you can make monthly payments of $30.00.  Each of these payment options can be set up using a debit or credit card or PayPal on our website:  Alternatively, you can mail or drop off your check to:

		Encanto-Palmcroft Security Corporation 
		1025 West Monte Vista Road 
		Phoenix, AZ 85007
Q. How do I get more information?
Please contact [email protected] by email for more information.

Copyright Encanto-Palmcroft Security Corporation 2018