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December, 2021 - After more than 15 year, we are increasing the membership fee from $300/year to $360/year. Obviously, the cost of doing business has increased that amount, plus some. And over recent years we have been able to increase the number of patrol hours from roughly 5 hours per day/night to the current 12 hours/day/night. This is in large part because we've been able to have a larger percentage of our neighbors participate in the program. We're always looking to increase the patrol hours even further, so spread the word and let your neighbors know how wonderful our program is. Thanks.

July, 2018 - It happens to all of us....your sprinkler is shooting straight up into the air, or you accidentally left your garage door open, or a big package has been left on your front stoop visible from the street. You would want to be notified - whether you're in town or out of town.

Here's your chance... by opting into our "security phone number database", you can be contacted by a security officer who notices something just a little bit odd in or near your property. If it's at night, then the officer will decide whether it's serious enough to call at a late hour.

...just another one of the benefits of being a member of the security service!

For your privacy, your name will not be included - only your address and phone number.

April, 2018 - We are pleased to announce that members of the Encanto Palmcroft Security Corporation (those who have paid dues) will have the benefit of a new "member-only" service offering! For the next several months on a trial basis, our security service, Vet-Sec Protection Agency, will be providing extra attention at your residence while you're out of town if you submit a request via our website During your absence, they will confirm that there are no packages sitting vulnerable at your door, mail laying outside your mailbox or mail slot, flyers hanging from your door handle or gate, or extraneous newspapers laying around on your front yard/porch/courtyard. You can even ask them to pull your garbage/recycle bin back from the street if you are unable to do so before you leave town. You can give specific instructions on how to handle each situation, and how to reach you while you are away in case of any signs of vandalism, open doors, windows, garages, etc.

To take advantage of this service, you simply go to the website and click on the link "Out of Town Security Service Request". We need at least 72 hours notice for such requests, and prefer a little more. We know that many people make arrangements such as these with their neighbors, but we wanted to provide another option just in case your neighbor(s) are not available.

Copyright Encanto-Palmcroft Security Corporation 2018